发布时间:2024-10-31 09:48分类: 无 浏览:177评论:0
2024 International Engineering Supply Chain Development Conference & Exhibition, themed "Building New Platforms for Cooperation, Creating New Collaboration Models," kicked off at the Xiamen International Expo Center on Oct.16th. As a leader in building material system solutions, Oriental Yuhong showcased cutting-edge technologies, new products, and systems in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors at booth A15 in Hall 1.
During the exhibition, Oriental Yuhong's booth stood out for its diverse product range, comprehensive solutions, interactive on-site activities, and high-tech booth design, drawing significant attention and becoming a highlight of the event.
Fang Qiuchen Chairman of China International Contractors Association visited Oriental Yuhong booth to learn about the company's international expansion and achievements in technological innovation and green, low-carbon solutions. He encouraged the company to further strengthen its supply chain management system to contribute to the industry's high-quality development.
本次展会的重要成果之一是国际工程供应链合作机制(MIESC)的正式成立。在“绿色转型 共建节能环保的国际工程供应链”论坛上,东方雨虹作为首批合作成员,与28家企业携手共同启动该机制。
One of the key outcomes of the event was the formal establishment of the International Engineering Supply Chain Cooperation Mechanism (MIESC) at the "Green Transformation, Building an Energy-Efficient and Environmentally-Friendly International Engineering Supply Chain" forum. As one of the founding members, Oriental Yuhong, alongside 28 other companies, officially launched the cooperation mechanism with the China International Contractors Association.
Additionally, Terry Yang, Engineering Director of Oriental Yuhong's Overseas Strategic Development Group, participated in a high-level dialogue, discussing topics such as eco-friendly raw materials, product design and development, and supply chain system building with other distinguished guests.
At the special matchmaking event for the 100-person procurement delegation, Oriental Yuhong's comprehensive building materials supply chain system attracted many exhibitors and customers, highlighting the company's strong competitive edge in the international market.
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