发布时间:2024-12-06 17:32分类: 无 浏览:214评论:0
American writer O. Henry once said that "Life is a tearful smile. I laugh at his cowardice."
The business world is an endlessly competitive arena where everything is determined by strength. Like a battlefield of cut-throat competition, the market does not believe in tears. 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort. This 80/20 rule has been a universally acknowledged principle in the business and investment community. Perhaps losing money is the norm. Until time machines were invented, tears of regret were worthless. After all, business is a sophisticated game for adults; once you make your move, there's no turning back. Wailing won't change anything, and apart from yourself, no one else will pay the price for your failures.
Oriental Yuhong has grown accustomed to delivering perfection. At Oriental Yuhong where passion meets ideals and sweat mingles with dreams, we take great pride in having contributed to over twenty years of prosperity in China's construction waterproofing industry, establishing ourselves as a true hallmark of quality in the field. Relying on our advantages in quality and scale, we have been among the top performers for over twenty years, seemingly taken for granted. As the tides of change cause ripples throughout the world, Oriental Yuhong undergoing an economic cycle finds itself inevitably swept up in it. When the tides recede and the superficial glamour fades, we stand at the crossroads of entrepreneurship. No matter how hard and challenging it is, we grit our teeth and get on with it. From now on, we no longer delight in flowers and applause. Instead, we see rising to the challenge and earning more money as our top priority.
Forget the past and seize the day; only losers revel in yesterday's glory. Well aware of this, Oriental Yuhong is committed to leaving an enduring legacy for future generations. As this unwavering adherence to idealism clashes with the tides of reality brought by the market economy, a brilliance is produced, which we firmly believe will be a spark that ignites the fire of commercial civilization. This is where Oriental Yuhong's steadfast journey finds its purpose. People working in Oriental Yuhong are tough and strong. Inspired by Chinese heroism, everyone is full of drive and courage in the face of adversity that remains undiminished no matter how the broader environment changes. True enough, entrepreneurs are products of their time, yet enduring enterprises, rooted in the robust core of commercial civilization, can transcend the era from which they come. We will not accept sympathy for a temporary setback; we do not want people to take pity on us. We would rather risk everything and tighten our belts as much as we can than resign ourselves to sympathy or pity. A fighter can only fall on his way to a fight.
"The mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for a cause." For a righteous cause, Oriental Yuhong will press forward full of hope that never dies, undaunted by thousands standing in the way.
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